Select Page

Neurological and Vestibular Rehabilitation

Assessment and Treatment of..

– Vertigo, Dizziness and Balance

– Parkinson’s

– Stroke and Brain Injury

– Breathing Pattern disorders

– Health and Mobility of the Mature Adult

– Professional supervision for Physiotherapists

Carole Rogers

Welcome to Third Age Physiotherapy. I am Carole Rogers, and I offer over thirty years of professional experience as a practising physiotherapist treating people with a range of vestibular and neurological disorders.

My passion is the wellbeing of people and empowering them to enjoy a better quality of life.

In my spare time you will find me enjoying the company of my friends and family, especially my four wonderful grand children.

My professional qualifications and associations include:

  • Qualified Physiotherapist GradDip Phys
  • Member of Physiotherapy New Zealand
  • Certified in Vestibular and Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation
  • Certified Practitioner LSVT BIG
  • Certified Bradcliff Practitioner for Breathing Disorders
  • Bobath and Advanced Bobath Accredited
  • Certified Odstock Food Drop clinician
  • Facilitates Introduction & Advanced Courses for Vertigo Treatment

Whether you self-refer or if you are referred to me by a medical practitioner, my expertise in neurological and vestibular rehabilitation will guide you towards a better quality of life.

I also provide extensive physiotherapy services to several rest and retirement homes, training carers in best practice manual handling as well as providing residential physiotherapy services throughout the Wellington region.

Whether in your home or at my clinic, I provide a fully mobile service to meet the needs of the patients and organisations that I work with.

Call me on 021 925 242

Send me an email or message me below.

Send Carole a Message

My clinic is at 16 James Nairn Grove, Riverstone Terraces, Upper Hutt, 5018

Third Age Physiotherapy

Third Age Physiotherapy Limited